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Old Aug 16, 2008, 02:07 AM // 02:07   #1
Krytan Explorer
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Does anyone know a good method of doing this mission?
I ran my guildie this mission today, but it took us 3 tries to manage masters since we accidently let through 2 waves of margonites (lol -.-)
Still, it was a real pain. And yes, I've read Wiki. Just wanna know what your methods

Both NM and HM suggestions are welcome!
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Old Aug 16, 2008, 02:31 AM // 02:31   #2
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Bring a good team that knows how to hold a position. Since you'll be doing a lot of position defense and won't be moving much, spirit spammers and the like may be a more viable option than usual.

Don't remember my strat for NM, but I think this is how I did it in HM:

Push up to past the first set of stairs. Kill stuff. Hold position there, killing the torment creature or w/e and the next oncoming mob. After killing the latest patrol, proceed to pull one mob from the left or right to your position and kill them. Wait for next patrol, pull next side.

Once both sides are clear of enemies, wait for the next patrol. Kill it, and then move your forces up to the edge of the water in front of you. Pick a torment creature on either side and kill it with a light. Bring a new light from the stair guardian and set it at your position. Watch for the next mob coming and intercept it. If the guardian you free on either side dies, don't worry about it.

When a group attacks on the side where you killed the torment creature, kill it. Regen, and then pull the first mob in front of you. As you kill it, watch out for the next patrol. If it starts to move the other way, fall back. It's very important not to miss a patrol, because one false glance can cost you the mission.

When one side is clear, move more towards the center and pull the mobs from the other side, taking heed that you don't aggro too much or don't time your pulls poorly with the incoming patrols. When both sides are clear, set your forces somewhat in the center where they can intercept either mob, and go kill the torment creature on the other side of the water.

If you're going for the bonus at this point, wait to kill a patrol. When you've eliminated one, run your forces to one set of stairs or the other. Set your forces next to the side of the stairs so that they can pull the mob down, but do not walk them up the stairs. Run past the enemy to kill the torment creature, or pull the forces down and kill them. Again, watch for patrols to slip by, and fall back if you see one go the other way. Repeat for the other set of stairs.

When you're ready to finish the mission, move your forces up to about a bubble's range away from the final boss. Intercept a patrol, and then aggro the boss. Your party shouldn't have too much trouble holding it and any other patrols off while you run back to grab lights to kill it. If it does, it wasn't a good party.

I did the whole mission with H/H both times, but doing it with players can speed up the final part. Other sections may be disastrous if players rush killing torments without the rest of the team knowing what they're doing.

In short: Kill patrol, kill mob, kill patrol, kill mob, etc. Keep yourself where you can watch patrols coming from both sides and be able to intercept them.
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Old Aug 16, 2008, 02:39 AM // 02:39   #3
Krytan Explorer
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Originally Posted by Shayne Hawke
In short: Kill patrol, kill mob, kill patrol, kill mob, etc. Keep yourself where you can watch patrols coming from both sides and be able to intercept them.
Yeah, preety much that I was thinking of doing... Just excecuted it horribly
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Old Aug 17, 2008, 01:38 AM // 01:38   #4
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Yeah this mission was a pain...

But all u gotta do is be careful and kill the mobs without aggroing patrols.

Once you've killed most of the dangerous mobs, leave a MM or spirit spammer or both by the stairs (i think thats where it is, its by like the 3rd spirit)

That should keep you alive, then you do your thing on the stairs with the bonus (make sure you ill the mobs next to the stairs, as you can aggro them from all the way up the stairs)

Kill dangerous mobs around the final Harbringer and then take him down, it also helps if you pull him down away from where the patrols spawn. And voila.
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Old Aug 17, 2008, 02:03 AM // 02:03   #5
Lion's Arch Merchant
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I remember doing this with my guildies with 2 mms in HM & 3 hrs. The basic method applies. kill patrol, kill mob & rinse & repeat. For mine, we ignored the 1st few harbringers (can't remember how many but we stop in front of the horizontal parapet right after the 1st stairs)

How we stop them from chasing us is to snare them & then run pass them as their aggro bubble is small. When we reach our camping spot, we killed the harbringer in front of us & this became light supply. I will wait at the spot & lure all the patrols to my minion army while my guild lure the 2 mobs guarding the bonus harbringers 1 by 1. Of course the timing is cruicial. 2 margorite mobs is HM is still not quite manageable. after killing a patrol, he will try to lure 1 mob to us. after a few tries, will will get 1. rinse & repeat.

After finishing this comes the easy part. My friend then run the lights which kills them. Then finish the mission as per normal. Be warned though, this method is long & tedious but it ensures that the patrols you face is minimal increasing your chance of getting masters
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Old Aug 17, 2008, 12:09 PM // 12:09   #6
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A really long time ago, I just took an essence of celerity and a grail and completely blitzed it in HM. Go psycho and kill everything. Run the usual builds, MM's GDW and Splinter Eles, paragon heroes...
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Old Aug 21, 2008, 10:41 AM // 10:41   #7
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For HM:

Skipped first two Harbringers, when you reach the third the second loses aggro. Somehow managed to survive the aggro of margos, r7 LB. Kill immediately the third a top the stairs.

Then wait for patrol, clear plaza group, repeat. Pull the guys through the big fissure in the middle with a flatbow. The two harbringers in the sides are completely avoidable. Go right side to avoid the aggro. Keep doing the same. Plaza group -> patrol -> plaza group -> patrol, so on untill you clear all the stationary groups everywhere.

For the bonus, at least in HM, you can pull the margo group at the very top of the stairs, without the bonus Harbringers. They will come down and you just kill them. Wait for the patrol, then repeat with the other stairs. After this, you can kill the bonus harbringers on your own going yourself for a light, with your H/H team flagged and spreaded around the first bridge over the canal that looks like a persian carpet.

Then go for 1 light at a time and kill mother Harbringer. Though, I used a couple of ranger stances to survive, as the harbringers can hit hard. Most proffessions can have some way to reduce this physical damage, and not even in HM they will follow ou much, but still enough to land a couple of hits so beware.

With this (only killing one Harbringer), you assure that the patrols are of 4 margos, and your H/H can manage it easily. went me as BHA and pretty sure a Jagged Bones Sabway MM, Koss as Cripslash and some other random I don't remember.

Hope it helps. In NM I went 2 humans 6 heroes and spreaded, but I'm sure the same tactics are valid.
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